Get width of a given text as length

Use the calc package (\usepackage{calc}):

\parbox{\widthof{my text}}{...}

I like to answer the question in a more general way, so that it is useful to a wider group of people.

There are the following macros which allow to store the width, height (the material above the baseline) and depth (the material below the baseline) of a given content.


The calc package also provides one for the total height (height + depth):


as well as


which can be used directly inside \setlength or \addtolength.

If you need multiple dimension of the same content you can also store it in a box register and use its dimension directly (the above macros do this as well internally). These are dimension expressions and can be prefixed with a factor, e.g. .5\wd\mybox is half the width.

\wd\mybox % width
\ht\mybox % height
\dp\mybox % depth

For the totalheight you need to add \ht\mybox and \dp\mybox together.

This can be done without the calc package


  \settowidth{\myl}{test text}

\the\myl will print out the value ~37pt.