LaTeX/Math jokes
I was laughing about this one quite a bit. I had to recall it from German and translate it. Feel free to adjust the language.
\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{The first 500 natural random numbers}
\centerline{\LARGE For easy access listed in their natural order}
\foreach \n in {1,...,500} {%
Expand $(a+b)^n$:
(a + b)^n\\
(a\ + \ b)^n\\
(a\quad + \quad b)^n\\
(a\qquad + \qquad b)^n
EDIT: to Andrew:
Expand $(a+b)^n$:
\loop\advance\mycntr by 1
$(a\hskip\mycntr pt +\hskip\mycntr pt b)^n$\\
How about:
\font\donteveruseoutsidecartoons="Comic Sans MS" at 14pt
\font\donteveruseoutsidecartoonstwo="Comic Sans MS/IB:slant=.3pt" at 22pt
\input tikz
\tikzpicture[mycallout/.style={draw,ellipse callout,inner sep=1.2ex,
callout relative pointer={#1}}]
\node[mycallout={(.5cm,-.5cm)}] (ico) {\donteveruseoutsidecartoons Be rational};
\node[mycallout={(-.5cm,-.5cm)}, right=of ico] (pco) {\donteveruseoutsidecartoons Get real};
\node[below=.1ex of ico.pointer] {\donteveruseoutsidecartoonstwo i};
\node[below left=.1ex of pco.pointer] {\donteveruseoutsidecartoonstwo π\vphantom(};