latex two column layout set figure to load on single column

use the environment center instead of figure. Of course you have to use \captionof{figure}{<text>} or with the package caption \captionsetup{type=figure}.

multicols uses saveboxes to split the contents. In this case you can't use any floating material.

Example with center, captionof and captionsetup: FYI: captionof requires the package caption or capt-of or a documentclass of the KOMA Bundle; captionsetup requires the package caption.

  \captionof{figure}{AA \cite{BB}}
  \caption{AA \cite{BB}}
\bibitem{BB} Name, Title

the figure environment don't work inside the multicol environment. You have to choose the \twocolumn command or alternatively the package caption and then


  \captionof{figure}{AA \cite{BB}}


However, if you want the image span both columns, then you have to split the multicol environment:


  \caption{AA \cite{BB}}
