Export a three js textured model to a .OBJ with .MTL file

I have extended the OBJExporter a little bit. It will return an object containing the .obj part and the .mtl part. I just wrote it down without testing, so there are probably bugs, but I hope it is something to start with.

I haven't looked up all the mtl values, I just used some standards values apart from color and texture information. Maybe I will improve it later on. You also need to be aware of the mtl filename. Currently, I'm writing a static name to the obj part. When you save the files the mtl file needs to be the same name as in the obj file declared. Otherwise 3ds max etc. won't read it.

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

THREE.OBJExporter = function () {};

THREE.OBJExporter.prototype = {

	constructor: THREE.OBJExporter,

	parse: function ( object ) {

	var output = '';
		var materials = {};

		var indexVertex = 0;
		var indexVertexUvs = 0;
		var indexNormals = 0;
	var mtlFileName = 'objmaterial'; // maybe this value can be passed as parameter
	output += 'mtllib ' + mtlFileName +  '.mtl\n';

		var parseMesh = function ( mesh ) {

			var nbVertex = 0;
			var nbVertexUvs = 0;
			var nbNormals = 0;

			var geometry = mesh.geometry;
			var material = mesh.material;

			if ( geometry instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {

				output += 'o ' + mesh.name + '\n';

				var vertices = geometry.vertices;

				for ( var i = 0, l = vertices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					var vertex = vertices[ i ].clone();
					vertex.applyMatrix4( mesh.matrixWorld );

					output += 'v ' + vertex.x + ' ' + vertex.y + ' ' + vertex.z + '\n';

					nbVertex ++;


				// uvs

				var faces = geometry.faces;
				var faceVertexUvs = geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ];
				var hasVertexUvs = faces.length === faceVertexUvs.length;

				if ( hasVertexUvs ) {

					for ( var i = 0, l = faceVertexUvs.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

						var vertexUvs = faceVertexUvs[ i ];

						for ( var j = 0, jl = vertexUvs.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

							var uv = vertexUvs[ j ];

							output += 'vt ' + uv.x + ' ' + uv.y + '\n';

							nbVertexUvs ++;




				// normals

				var normalMatrixWorld = new THREE.Matrix3();
				normalMatrixWorld.getNormalMatrix( mesh.matrixWorld );

				for ( var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					var face = faces[ i ];
					var vertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;

					if ( vertexNormals.length === 3 ) {

						for ( var j = 0, jl = vertexNormals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

							var normal = vertexNormals[ j ].clone();
							normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrixWorld );

							output += 'vn ' + normal.x + ' ' + normal.y + ' ' + normal.z + '\n';

							nbNormals ++;


					} else {

						var normal = face.normal.clone();
						normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrixWorld );

						for ( var j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {

							output += 'vn ' + normal.x + ' ' + normal.y + ' ' + normal.z + '\n';

							nbNormals ++;



			// material
			if (material.name !== '')
				output += 'usemtl ' + material.name + '\n';
				output += 'usemtl material' + material.id + '\n';
			materials[material.id] = material;

				// faces

				for ( var i = 0, j = 1, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++, j += 3 ) {

					var face = faces[ i ];

					output += 'f ';
					output += ( indexVertex + face.a + 1 ) + '/' + ( hasVertexUvs ? ( indexVertexUvs + j     ) : '' ) + '/' + ( indexNormals + j     ) + ' ';
					output += ( indexVertex + face.b + 1 ) + '/' + ( hasVertexUvs ? ( indexVertexUvs + j + 1 ) : '' ) + '/' + ( indexNormals + j + 1 ) + ' ';
					output += ( indexVertex + face.c + 1 ) + '/' + ( hasVertexUvs ? ( indexVertexUvs + j + 2 ) : '' ) + '/' + ( indexNormals + j + 2 ) + '\n';


			} else {

				console.warn( 'THREE.OBJExporter.parseMesh(): geometry type unsupported', mesh );
				// TODO: Support only BufferGeometry and use use setFromObject()


			// update index
			indexVertex += nbVertex;
			indexVertexUvs += nbVertexUvs;
			indexNormals += nbNormals;


		object.traverse( function ( child ) {

			if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) parseMesh( child );

		} );
	// mtl output
	var mtlOutput = '';
	for (var key in materials) {
		var mat = materials[key];
		if (mat.name !== '')
			mtlOutput += 'newmtl ' + mat.name + '\n';
			mtlOutput += 'newmtl material' + mat.id + '\n';
		mtlOutput += 'Ns 10.0000\n';
		mtlOutput += 'Ni 1.5000\n';
		mtlOutput += 'd 1.0000\n';
		mtlOutput += 'Tr 0.0000\n';
		mtlOutput += 'Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000\n';
		mtlOutput += 'illum 2\n';
		mtlOutput += 'Ka ' + mat.color.r + ' ' + mat.color.g + ' ' + mat.color.b + ' ' + '\n';
		mtlOutput += 'Kd ' + mat.color.r + ' ' + mat.color.g + ' ' + mat.color.b + ' ' + '\n';
		mtlOutput += 'Ks 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000\n';
		mtlOutput += 'Ke 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000\n';
		if (mat.map && mat.map instanceof THREE.Texture) {
			var file = mat.map.image.currentSrc.slice( mat.map.image.currentSrc.slice.lastIndexOf("/"), mat.map.image.currentSrc.length - 1 );
			mtlOutput += 'map_Ka ' + file + '\n';
			mtlOutput += 'map_Kd ' + file + '\n';

	return {
		obj: output,
		mtl: mtlOutput

