Extending Array to check if it is sorted in Swift?

In Swift 4.2 and later you can cobble together allSatisfy and zip with some sequence slicing:

extension Array where Element: Comparable {
    func isAscending() -> Bool {
        return zip(self, self.dropFirst()).allSatisfy(<=)

    func isDescending() -> Bool {
        return zip(self, self.dropFirst()).allSatisfy(>=)

In Swift 2.0 you can now extend protocols!

extension CollectionType where Generator.Element: Comparable {

    public var isSorted: Bool {

        var previousIndex = startIndex
        var currentIndex = startIndex.successor()

        while currentIndex != endIndex {

            if self[previousIndex] > self[currentIndex] {
                return false

            previousIndex = currentIndex
            currentIndex = currentIndex.successor()

        return true


[1, 2, 3, 4].isSorted // true
["a", "b", "c", "e"].isSorted // true
["b", "a", "c", "e"].isSorted // false
[/* Anything not implementing `Comparable` */].isSorted // <~~ Type-error

Note that because we're using Indexable.Index instead of a simple Int as an index we have to use a while-loop instead, which looks a bit less pretty and clear.

The alternative solution to a free function is to do what Swift's built-in Array.sort and Array.sorted methods do, and require that you pass a suitable comparator to the method:

extension Array {
    func isSorted(isOrderedBefore: (T, T) -> Bool) -> Bool {
        for i in 1..<self.count {
            if !isOrderedBefore(self[i-1], self[i]) {
                return false
        return true

[1, 5, 3].isSorted(<) // false
[1, 5, 10].isSorted(<) // true
[3.5, 2.1, -5.4].isSorted(>) // true

Actually, you can extend the Sequence protocol for a more generic solution:

extension Sequence {
    func isSorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool {
        var iterator = makeIterator()

        guard var previous = iterator.next() else {
            // Sequence is empty
            return true

        while let current = iterator.next() {
            guard try areInIncreasingOrder(previous, current) else {
                return false

            previous = current

        return true

extension Sequence where Element : Comparable {
    func isSorted() -> Bool {
        return isSorted(by: <)


