ExtJs dependent field validation

By adding your own custom validator and therein perform your validation.

var field_one = new Ext.form.TextField({
    name: 'field_one',
    fieldLabel: 'Field one'

var field_two = new Ext.form.TextField({
    name: 'field_two',
    fieldLabel: 'Field two',
    validator: function(value){
        if(field_one.getValue() != value) {
            return 'Error! Value not identical to field one';
        } else {
            return true;

field definition:

monitorValid:     true,
}, {
  xtype:          'textfield',
  name:           'name1',
  ref:            'name1',

}, {
  xtype:          'textfield',
  name:           'name2',
  ref:            'name2',
  allowBlank:     false,

next in initComponent (or listener if you preffer):

this.name2.on ( 'change', this._validate_name2, this );

and define handler in FormPanel:

this._validate_name2: function ( ) {
   if ( this.name1.getValue () == this.name2.getValue () ) {
      this.name2.markInvalid ( 'field does not match name1' );
      this.name2.setValue ( null );

"markInvalid () method does not cause the Field's validate method to return false if the value does pass validation. So simply marking a Field as invalid will not prevent submission of forms submitted with the Ext.form.Action.Submit.clientValidation option set."

For this reason combination allowBlank and setValue ( null ) will break validation