Remove the limit clause from MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench 6.3

Option 1

Query > Limit Rows > Don't Limit

Query Limit Rows Don't Limit

If you change the value here, it will also be updated in the path achievable via the second option.

Option 2

Edit > Preferences...

Edit Preferences

SQL Editor > SQL Execution > uncheck Limit Rows

SQL Editor SQL Execution

If you change the value here, it won't be updated in the path achievable via the first option, but the new value will be considered.

In MySql Workbench 6.3 this option can be selected from the actual query window: enter image description here

You can toggle the LIMIT clause added by MySQL Workbench via the SQL Editor tab within the application preferences (Edit menu -> Preferences...).

Simply un-check the "Limit Rows" option within the Query Results section as pictured below.

MySQL Workbench Preferences


In Workbench 6.0, the "Limit Rows" checkbox stands in "SQL Queries" tab (new tab of the same form).


