FactoryBot to build list of objects with trait

Doesn't this work? It should...

FactoryBot.build_list(:user, 5, :with_photo)


FactoryBot - Building or Creating Multiple Records

Note: FactoryBot was previously called FactoryGirl

You can also pass multiple traits to create_list and build_list example;

factory :user do
  name { "Friendly User" }

  trait :male do
    name { "John Doe" }
    gender { "Male" }

  trait :admin do
    admin { true }

# creates 3 admin users with gender "Male" and name "Jon Snow" using the admin and male trait
build_list(:user, 3, :admin, :male, name: "Jon Snow")
create_list(:user, 3, :admin, :male, name: "Jon Snow")

Just make sure the traits comes after the number of records you wish to create, the last argument is a hash that would override the record attribute.

More on traits on the official docs