Fast Sin/Cos using a pre computed translation array

I'm assuming Taylor expansions are no use for you. So if you want to use a table: You only need one table half as big.

  1. cos(x) = sin(pi/2-x).
  2. sin(pi + x) = -sin(x)

You can make your's code non-branching. Convert first to int format.

int index = (int)(Value * FACTOR);
index %= TABLE_SIZE; // one instuction (mask)
index = (index >= 0) ? index :TABLE_SIZE-index; // one instruction isel
double sineValue = _SineDoubleTable[index];

Compare with Math.Sin anyway. Profile Profile Priofile. (Cache miss might slow down your code in real examples.)

You could try to use unsafe code to eliminate array bounds checking.
But even a unsafe, optimized version does not seem to come anywhere near Math.Sin.

Results based on 1'000'000'000 iterations with random values:

(1) 00:00:57.3382769  // original version
(2) 00:00:31.9445928  // optimized version
(3) 00:00:21.3566399  // Math.Sin


static double SinOriginal(double Value)
    Value %= PI2;
    if (Value < 0) Value += PI2;
    int index = (int)(Value * FACTOR);
    return _SineDoubleTable[index];

static unsafe double SinOptimized(double* SineDoubleTable, double Value)
    int index = (int)(Value * FACTOR) % TABLE_SIZE;
    return (index < 0) ? SineDoubleTable[index + TABLE_SIZE]
                       : SineDoubleTable[index];

Test program:

Random random = new Random();

var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (long i = 0; i < 1000000000L; i++)
Console.WriteLine("(1) {0}  // original version", sw.Elapsed);

fixed (double* SineDoubleTable = _SineDoubleTable)
    SinOptimized(SineDoubleTable, random.NextDouble());
    sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
    for (long i = 0; i < 1000000000L; i++)
        SinOptimized(SineDoubleTable, random.NextDouble());
    Console.WriteLine("(2) {0}  // optimized version", sw.Elapsed);

sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (long i = 0; i < 1000000000L; i++)
Console.WriteLine("(3) {0}  // Math.Sin", sw.Elapsed);