Figure or text outside a block in tikzposter
Yes, you can: In tikzposter
you are already in a big tikzpicture
. Just place your nodes as usual. The center of the page is (0,0)
One can also mention that the class defines a coordinate bottomleft
in the lower left corner and topright
in the upper right, so these can be used to place stuff relative to corners.
\node [above right,font=\Huge] at (bottomleft) {LOWER LEFT};
\node [above left,font=\Huge,outer sep=2cm] at (bottomleft -| topright) {LOWER RIGHT};
\node [below right,font=\Huge] at (bottomleft |- topright) {UPPER LEFT};
\node [below left,font=\Huge] at (topright) {UPPER RIGHT};