\begin{align} not working as expected

None of the align, gather and equation environments must be typeset within of a $...$ pair, since those environments start the math mode for themselves. This is true for the starred variants of the mentioned environments as well.

Some side remarks:

  • Use \sin instead of sin -- it's a math operator which should not be typeset in italics.
  • \dfrac{}{} is (sometimes) a better replacement for nicer fractions.
  • \DeclairedPairedDelimiters{\abs}{\lvert}{\rvert} is much better than |some stuff|



\abs{\vec{F}} &=\abs{q}\abs{\vec{v}}\abs{\vec{B}}\abs{\sin(\theta)}\\
m\dfrac{v^2}{r}& =qvB\\
\dfrac{2qV}{r} &=qvB\\
\dfrac{2qV}{r} & =qB\sqrt{\dfrac{2qV}{m}}\\
\dfrac{V}{r} &=B\sqrt{\dfrac{q}{2m}}\sqrt{V}\\

\dfrac{V}{r} &=\lambda\sqrt{V}  &\lambda\equiv B\sqrt{\dfrac{q}{2m}}

\dfrac{V}{r}=\lambda\sqrt{V},\lambda\equiv B\sqrt{\dfrac{q}{2m}}

\dfrac{V}{r}=\lambda\sqrt{V},\lambda\equiv B\sqrt{\dfrac{q}{2m}}
