Start inparaenum-numeration with another letter than "a)"

You can set the number by hand; since it's a second level list, you have to set enumii.




    \item \textbf{Working with logarithms}: 

    Calculate the following

    \item $\ln 1 = $ 
    \tab \item $\ln e = $ 
    \tab \item $\ln \frac{1}{e} = $

    Express the following in terms of $\ln 2$: 

    \item $\ln 4$ 
    \tab \item $\ln \sqrt[3]{2^5}$ 
    \tab \item $\ln \frac{1}{16} $


enter image description here

You can use, instead, enumitem:




\item \textbf{Working with logarithms}:

Calculate the following\\[\medskipamount]
  \item $\ln 1 = $ 
  \item $\ln e = $ 
  \item $\ln \frac{1}{e} = $

Express the following in terms of $\ln 2$:\\[\medskipamount]
  \item $\ln 4$ 
  \item $\ln \sqrt[3]{2^5}$ 
  \item $\ln \frac{1}{16} $


enter image description here

Another version, using my assoccnt package, without the need of remembering the counter value:

The contenumii counter is used to store the total value of the enumii counter automatically and stored back after inparaenum.

Caveat: It will be incremented each time when another second level enumeration is used

Use the \SuspendCounters feature from the assoccnt package then






    \item \textbf{Working with logarithms}: 

    Calculate the following

    \item $\ln 1 = $ 
    \tab \item $\ln e = $ 
    \tab \item $\ln \frac{1}{e} = $

    Express the following in terms of $\ln 2$: 

    \item $\ln 4$ 
    \tab \item $\ln \sqrt[3]{2^5}$ 
    \tab \item $\ln \frac{1}{16} $



Other options: enumitem package, with the resume option, but this is not as compact as paralist (initially, can be changed, perhaps)