Problem with numbering theorem by section

Actually I have tried the solution of egreg's, and then find out that you don't need to create the command \spnewtheorem{xx}{XX}[section]

It is the option envcountsect in the svjour3 class that really helps.


If you look into the file svjour.cls, and seach \spnewtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}, around line 888, you would find things like @envcntsect is prerequisite of the numbering by section.

And then, you just use

    your theorem here.

to wrap your theorem. Proof, lemma, definition, case... are likewise.

Theorem-like environments should be defined, with the svjour3 class, by using


and not \newtheorem. Here's how you should do:




% Theorem-like environments are defined with \spnewtheorem
% Usage:
%     \spnewtheorem{env_nam}{caption}[within]{cap_font}{body_font}
% or  \spnewtheorem{env_nam}[numbered_like]{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}
% or  \spnewtheorem*{env_nam}{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}

\spnewtheorem{dfn}{Definition}[section]{\bfseries}{\itshape}% maybe \upshape?

\DeclareMathOperator{\Div}{div} % \div is already defined




 Words for lemma

 Words for theorem

Words for remark


Words for proposition

Words for remark

Words for remark

Words for proposition


enter image description here

Note that I left only the packages necessary for the example to run. Note also how I redefined your personal commands, in the correct way: in particular, don't redefine commands you don't know about (\div, in this case).

About the packages you load in the example:

  • amsfonts is already loaded by amssymb
  • amsthm is not compatible with svjour3
  • epsfig must not be loaded in new document (it's just for back compatibility)
  • subfigure has been obsolete for 10+ years, call


    instead; the \subfigure command becomes \subfloat.

About the theorem numbering: having separate counters for all kinds of statements is unnecessarily confusing for the reader, who will have hard times in finding the statements when referenced at: is lemma 1.1 before or after proposition 1.1?