File based configuration handling in C (Unix)
Hmmm there is LibConfig.
I have found it in Wiki
Various people have given reasonably good advice - the Pure-FTP example is interesting.
You should also read TAOUP (The Art of Unix Programming) by E S Raymond. It has examples a-plenty of configuration files. It also outlines canonical idioms for the configuration files. For example, you should probably allow '#' to start a comment to the end of the line, and ignore blank lines. You should also decide what you will do if the configuration file contains a line you don't understand - whether to ignore and continue silently, or whether to complain. (I prefer things that complain; then I know why what I've just added isn't having any effect - whereas silent ignoring means I don't know whether the entry I just added has any effect.)
Another problem is locating the configuration file. Do you do that by compiled-in location, by a default install location with environment variable to override, or by some other piece of magic? Make sure there's a command line option to allow the configuration file to be specified absolutely - even consider making that the only way to do it.
Otherwise, within broad limits, keep it simple and everyone will be happier.