Why must a lambda expression be cast when supplied as a plain Delegate parameter

Tired of casting lambdas over and over?

public sealed class Lambda<T>
    public static Func<T, T> Cast = x => x;

public class Example
    public void Run()
        // Declare
        var c = Lambda<Func<int, string>>.Cast;
        // Use
        var f1 = c(x => x.ToString());
        var f2 = c(x => "Hello!");
        var f3 = c(x => (x + x).ToString());

Peter Wone. you are da man. Taking your concept a bit further, I came up with these two functions.

private void UIA(Action action) {this.Invoke(action);}
private T UIF<T>(Func<T> func) {return (T)this.Invoke(func);}

I place these two functions into my Form app, and I can make calls from background workers like this

int row = 5;
string ip = UIF<string>(() => this.GetIp(row));
bool r = GoPingIt(ip);
UIA(() => this.SetPing(i, r));

Maybe a bit lazy, but i don't have to setup worker done functions, which comes in super handy in cases such as this

private void Ping_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
  int count = this.dg.Rows.Count;
  System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, count, i => 
    string ip = UIF<string>(() => this.GetIp(i));
    bool r = GoPingIt(ip);
    UIA(() => this.SetPing(i, r));
  UIA(() => SetAllControlsEnabled(true));

Essentially, get some ip addresses from a gui DataGridView, ping them, set the resulting icons to green or red, and reenable buttons on the form. Yes, it is a "parallel.for" in a backgroundworker. Yes it is a LOT of invoking overhead, but its negligible for short lists, and much more compact code.

Nine tenths of the time people get this because they are trying to marshal onto the UI thread. Here's the lazy way:

static void UI(Action action) 

Now that it's typed, the problem goes away (qv Skeet's anwer) and we have this very succinct syntax:

int foo = 5;
public void SomeMethod()
  var bar = "a string";
  UI(() =>
    //lifting is marvellous, anything in scope where the lambda
    //expression is defined is available to the asynch code
    someTextBlock.Text = string.Format("{0} = {1}", foo, bar);        

For bonus points here's another tip. You wouldn't do this for UI stuff but in cases where you need SomeMethod to block till it completes (eg request/response I/O, waiting for the response) use a WaitHandle (qv msdn WaitAll, WaitAny, WaitOne).

Note that AutoResetEvent is a WaitHandle derivative.

public void BlockingMethod()
  AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);
  ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem ((state) =>
    //do asynch stuff        
  are.WaitOne(); //don't exit till asynch stuff finishes

And a final tip because things can get tangled: WaitHandles stall the thread. This is what they're supposed to do. If you try to marshal onto the UI thread while you have it stalled, your app will hang. In this case (a) some serious refactoring is in order, and (b) as a temporary hack you can wait like this:

  bool wait = true;
  ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem ((state) =>
    //do asynch stuff        
    wait = false;
  while (wait) Thread.Sleep(100);

A lambda expression can either be converted to a delegate type or an expression tree - but it has to know which delegate type. Just knowing the signature isn't enough. For instance, suppose I have:

public delegate void Action1();
public delegate void Action2();


Delegate x = () => Console.WriteLine("hi");

What would you expect the concrete type of the object referred to by x to be? Yes, the compiler could generate a new delegate type with an appropriate signature, but that's rarely useful and you end up with less opportunity for error checking.

If you want to make it easy to call Control.Invoke with an Action the easiest thing to do is add an extension method to Control:

public static void Invoke(this Control control, Action action)
    control.Invoke((Delegate) action);