Fill space with dots within table

I believe that you need only the @{} separator and p{} columns with \dotfill or \hfill in the cells.

On the other hand, I lost the € symbol with your MWE because the lack of the fontspec package. For comparison, I included also the eurosym package for more official symbol (showed in the third column).


%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\usepackage{fontspec} % needed for the € symbol
\usepackage{eurosym} % another way to obtain the € symbol 
Anzahl \hfill Behandlungstyp & \hfill Einzelpreis & \hfill Gesamtpreis\\
10\dotfill  Manuelle Therapie & \dotfill\euro32,63 & \dotfill€326,30\\
10\dotfill  Krankengymastik & \dotfill\euro26,93 &\dotfill€269,30\\

This is an ugly hack




    Anzahl \quad 
    & \multicolumn{1}{r@{}}{\hspace{1cm}Behandlungstyp}\quad  
    & Einzelpreis  
    & Gesamtpreis\\
    & Manuelle Therapie\dotfill
    &\multicolumn{2}{@{}c}{€32,63\dotfill  €326,30}\\
    & Krankengymastik\dotfill  
    &\multicolumn{2}{@{}c}{€26,93\dotfill €269,30}\\


enter image description here

For the alignment as requested in the comment

    & Behandlungstyp  
    & \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{1em}}r@{}}{Einzelpreis}
    & \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{1em}}r}{Gesamtpreis}\\
    \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{10\dotfill Manuelle Therapie}
    & \dotfill 32,63
    & \dotfill 326,30\\
    \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{10\dotfill Krankengymastik}
    & \dotfill 26,93
    & \dotfill 269,30\\

enter image description here

Here are two options:

  1. Manual using box length calculations:

      Anzahl & Behandlungstyp & Einzelpreis & Gesamtpreis\\
      10\rlap{\makebox[\dimexpr\tmplenA+2\tabcolsep][l]{\dotfill}} & Manuelle Therapie 
      & \settowidth{\tmplenA}{Einzelpreis}\settowidth{\tmplenB}{€32,63}\addtolength{\tmplenA}{-\tmplenB}%
      & \settowidth{\tmplenA}{Gesamtpreis}\settowidth{\tmplenB}{€326,30}\addtolength{\tmplenA}{-\tmplenB}%
      \llap{\makebox[\dimexpr\tmplenA+2\tabcolsep][r]{\dotfill}}€326,30 \\
      \settowidth{\tmplenB}{Manuelle Therapie}\addtolength{\tmplenA}{\tmplenB}%
      10\rlap{\makebox[\dimexpr\tmplenA+2\tabcolsep][l]{\dotfill}} & Krankengymastik
      & \settowidth{\tmplenA}{Einzelpreis}\settowidth{\tmplenB}{€26,93}\addtolength{\tmplenA}{-\tmplenB}%
      & \settowidth{\tmplenA}{Gesamtpreis}\settowidth{\tmplenB}{€269,30}\addtolength{\tmplenA}{-\tmplenB}%
  2. Overwriting a \dotfill spanning the entire tabular width with white-background-boxed entries:

      Anzahl & Behandlungstyp & Einzelpreis & Gesamtpreis\\
      \rlap{\makebox[\tmplenA][l]{\dotfill}}\colorbox{white}{10} & Manuelle Therapie & €32,63 & €326,30 \\
      \rlap{\makebox[\tmplenA][l]{\dotfill}}\colorbox{white}{10} & Krankengymastik & €26,93 & €269,30\\

Here's the output of both:

enter image description here