Filling a box excluding circles inside it
One solution is to fill the circle nodes white and draw the container on the background layer.
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, shadows, fit, arrows, positioning,backgrounds}
neuron/.style={shape=circle,draw,inner sep= 0pt,minimum size = 2.5 em, node
distance = 10ex and 1 em,fill=white},
every loop/.style={min distance=10mm,looseness=5},
dot/.style={shape=circle,minimum size=1mm, inner sep=0pt, fill=black, node
distance= 1ex and 2 em
group/.style={rectangle,draw, inner sep=1pt,rounded corners,minimum height=
3.5em,minimum width=15.5 em, node distance= 1ex and 1em},
\node[neuron,right=of x1](x2){$x_2$};
\node[dot,right=of x2](dot_1){};
\node[dot,right=of dot_1](dot_2){};
\node[neuron,right=of dot_2](xN){$x_N$};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
Another possibility is to use even odd rule
, which is in this case a bit more cumbersome but has the advantage that, if you have a background picture, it won't get overdrawn by fill=white
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, shadows, fit, arrows, positioning}
\makeatletter %
use path/.code={\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath{#1}}
neuron/.style={shape=circle,draw,inner sep= 0pt,minimum size = 2.5 em, node
distance = 10ex and 1 em,fill=white},
every loop/.style={min distance=10mm,looseness=5},
dot/.style={shape=circle,minimum size=1mm, inner sep=0pt, fill=black, node
distance= 1ex and 2 em
group/.style={rectangle,draw, inner sep=1pt,rounded corners,minimum height=
3.5em,minimum width=15.5 em, node distance= 1ex and 1em},
\node[neuron,right=of x1](x2){$x_2$};
\node[dot,right=of x2](dot_1){};
\node[dot,right=of dot_1](dot_2){};
\node[neuron,right=of dot_2](xN){$x_N$};
\node[group,fit={(x1)(x2)(dot_1)(dot_2)(xN)},save path=\pathF](grp1){};
\fill[blue!20,even odd rule] [use path=\pathF]
( circle (1.25em+\pgflinewidth/2)
( circle (1.25em+\pgflinewidth/2) ( circle (1.25em+\pgflinewidth/2)
( circle(0.5mm) ( circle(0.5mm);
Yet another possibility is to use reverseclip
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, shadows, fit, arrows, positioning}
\makeatletter %
use path/.code={\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath{#1}}
\tikzset{reverseclip/.style={insert path={(current bounding box.north
east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west)}}}
neuron/.style={shape=circle,draw,inner sep= 0pt,minimum size = 2.5 em, node
distance = 10ex and 1 em,fill=white},
every loop/.style={min distance=10mm,looseness=5},
dot/.style={shape=circle,minimum size=1mm, inner sep=0pt, fill=black, node
distance= 1ex and 2 em
group/.style={rectangle,draw, inner sep=1pt,rounded corners,minimum height=
3.5em,minimum width=15.5 em, node distance= 1ex and 1em},
\node[neuron,save path=\pathA](x1){$x_1$};
\node[neuron,right=of x1,save path=\pathB](x2){$x_2$};
\node[dot,right=of x2,save path=\pathC](dot_1){};
\node[dot,right=of dot_1,save path=\pathD](dot_2){};
\node[neuron,right=of dot_2,save path=\pathE](xN){$x_N$};
\node[group,fit={(x1)(x2)(dot_1)(dot_2)(xN)},save path=\pathF](grp1){};
\clip [use path=\pathA,reverseclip];
\clip [use path=\pathB,reverseclip];
\clip [use path=\pathC,reverseclip];
\clip [use path=\pathD,reverseclip];
\clip [use path=\pathE,reverseclip];
\fill[blue!20] [use path=\pathF];
All options lead to the same output.
How about using \tcbox
from the tcolorbox
package? The only change needed is adding fill=white
to the neuron style, and then use \tcbox
instead of the enclosing node. Note that I commented out the group style.
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, shadows, fit, arrows, positioning}
neuron/.style={fill=white,shape=circle,draw,inner sep= 0pt,minimum size = 2.5 em, node
distance = 10ex and 1 em
every loop/.style={min distance=10mm,looseness=5},
dot/.style={shape=circle,minimum size=1mm, inner sep=0pt, fill=black, node
distance= 1ex and 2 em
% group/.style={rectangle,draw, inner sep=1pt,rounded corners,minimum height=
% 3.5em,minimum width=15.5 em, node distance= 1ex and 1em},
% conn/.style={draw,-latex'}
\node[neuron,right=of x1](x2){$x_2$};
\node[dot,right=of x2](dot_1){};
\node[dot,right=of dot_1](dot_2){};
\node[neuron,right=of dot_2](xN){$x_N$};