Find closest value in an ordered list

To solve the problem, I'd extend the Comparable Interface by a distanceTo method. The implementation of distanceTo returns a double value that represents the intended distance and which is compatible with the result of the compareTo implementation.

The following example illustrates the idea with just apples. You can exchange diameter by weight, volume or sweetness. The bag will always return the 'closest' apple (most similiar in size, wight or taste)

public interface ExtComparable<T> extends Comparable<T> {
   public double distanceTo(T other);

public class Apple implements Comparable<Apple> {
   private Double diameter;

   public Apple(double diameter) {
      this.diameter = diameter;

   public double distanceTo(Apple o) {
      return diameter - o.diameter;

   public int compareTo(Apple o) {
      return (int) Math.signum(distanceTo(o));

public class AppleBag {
   private List<Apple> bag = new ArrayList<Apple>();

   public addApples(Apple...apples){

   public removeApples(Apple...apples){

   public Apple getClosest(Apple apple) {
      Apple closest = null;
      boolean appleIsInBag = bag.contains(apple);
      if (!appleIsInBag) {

      int appleIndex = bag.indexOf(apple);
      if (appleIndex = 0) {
         closest = bag.get(1);
      } else if(appleIndex = bag.size()-1) {
         closest = bag.get(bag.size()-2);
      } else {
         double absDistToPrev = Math.abs(apple.distanceTo(bag.get(appleIndex-1));
         double absDistToNext = Math.abs(apple.distanceTo(bag.get(appleIndex+1));
         closest = bag.get(absDistToNext < absDistToPrev ? next : previous);

      if (!appleIsInBag) {

      return closest;

A solution without binary search (takes advantage of list being sorted):

public int closest(int value, int[] sorted) {
  if(value < sorted[0])
    return sorted[0];

  int i = 1;
  for( ; i < sorted.length && value > sorted[i] ; i++);

  if(i >= sorted.length)
    return sorted[sorted.length - 1];

  return Math.abs(value - sorted[i]) < Math.abs(value - sorted[i-1]) ?
         sorted[i] : sorted[i-1];

Kotlin is so helpful

fun List<Int>.closestValue(value: Int) = minBy { abs(value - it) }

val values = listOf(1, 8, 4, -6)

println(values.closestValue(-7)) // -6
println(values.closestValue(2)) // 1
println(values.closestValue(7)) // 8

List doesn't need to be sorted BTW

Edit: since kotlin 1.4, minBy is deprecated. Prefer minByOrNull

@Deprecated("Use minByOrNull instead.", ReplaceWith("this.minByOrNull(selector)"))
@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = "1.4")

try this little method:

public int closest(int of, List<Integer> in) {
    int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int closest = of;

    for (int v : in) {
        final int diff = Math.abs(v - of);

        if (diff < min) {
            min = diff;
            closest = v;

    return closest;

some testcases:

private final static List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(10, 20, 30, 40, 50);

public void closestOf21() {
    assertThat(closest(21, list), is(20));

public void closestOf19() {
    assertThat(closest(19, list), is(20));

public void closestOf20() {
    assertThat(closest(20, list), is(20));

