Find issues that were ever assigned to me

assignee was currentUser() should do it.

It will also include issues that are currently assigned to you.

If it doesn't, try: (assignee = currentUser() OR assignee was currentUser())

Check out the toolkit plugin

It has a custom field 'Participant' which allows you to find all issues that you raised, were assigned to or commented on.


I'm not sure if things have changed with JIRA since previous answers were written, but all I needed was:

assignee was currentUser()

This will pick up things that are currently or previously assigned to me.

Click the eyeglass icon on the left pane Click on "Advanced search for issues" On the top right, click on advanced search to open the JQL textbox Enter the text "assignee = currentUser() OR assignee was currentUser()" If you'll use this repeatedly, click save and name the search Then you'll see it on the left bar under Starred...

