Find out if someone has a role

The discord.js api has been updated and there is a better way since .exists() has been deprecated.

if (message.member.roles.cache.some(role => === 'Whatever')) {}

This is better than .find() because .find() returns the role object (or undefined) which is then converted into a boolean. The .some() method returns a boolean by default.

This worked for me with version 12.2.0

if(message.member.roles.cache.find(r => === "Admin")) {
    // Your code

You can also use to check with the role id

message.member.roles is a collection. Instead of getting the roles object, then looking for it, just look for the role directly in the collection. Try this:

else if (command === "addquote" && arg) {
    if(message.member.roles.find(r => === "Admin") || message.member.roles.find(r => === "Mod")){
        // The rest of your code.

Note, the role name must be the name you put in the find method, including any emojis if there's any in the role name.