Find users under a node in role hierarchy

I would get the UserRole records you want first and then query the User records.

Grouping UserRole Records by Parent

// public with sharing class RoleHierarchy
static Map<Id, List<UserRole>> hierarchy
        if (hierarchy == null)
            hierarchy = new Map<Id, List<UserRole>>();
            for (UserRole role : [SELECT ParentRoleId FROM UserRole])
                if (!hierarchy.containsKey(role.ParentRoleId))
                    hierarchy.put(role.ParentRoleId, new List<UserRole>());
        return hierarchy;
    private set;

Getting Relevant UserRole Records

// public with sharing class RoleHierarchy
public static List<UserRole> getChildren(Id userRoleId)
    return hierarchy.containsKey(userRoleId) ?
        hierarchy.get(userRoleId) : new List<UserRole>();

// I would just use one of the below and name it getSubHierarchy
// Not entirely clear based on OP if top-level should be included

public static Set<Id> getSubHierarchyInclusive(Id userRoleId)
    Set<Id> roleIds = new Set<Id> { userRoleId };
    for (UserRole childRole : getChildren(userRoleId))
    return roleIds;
public static Set<Id> getSubHierarchyExclusive(Id userRoleId)
    Set<Id> roleIds = new Set<Id>();
    for (UserRole childRole : getChildren(userRoleId))
    return roleIds;

Get Users

// public with sharing class RoleHierarchy
public static List<User> getUsersUnder(Id userRoleId)
    return [
        SELECT Id FROM User
        WHERE UserRoleId IN :getSubHierarchy(userRoleId)

The above approach consumes a total of 2 SOQL statements.