Finding distance between buildings and nearest road using QGIS?
While in general this would be better handled in PostGIS, there are plug-ins which do the heavy lifting for you:
- NNJoin
- MMQGis Hub Distance.
This is the preferable and correct way, however could be slow on large datasets. It has the non trivial advantage to compute the correct polygon-to-line distance, without converting buildings into points first (which could lead to erroneous results).
Hub Distance
Faster, but only works with point vector layers.
Since you are working with a local, projected system, make sure to check the Layer Units
An output layer will be created, with lines connecting each building with the closest road. Alternatively you can choose to have a point layer as output (one point per building)
For qgis 3.8 and later you can use "join by nearest" from the processing toolbox.