Finding the date of the next Saturday

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> d = datetime.strptime('2013-05-27', '%Y-%m-%d') # Monday
>>> t = timedelta((12 - d.weekday()) % 7)
>>> d + t
datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 1, 0, 0)
>>> (d + t).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

I use (12 - d.weekday()) % 7 to compute the delta in days between given day and next Saturday because weekday is between 0 (Monday) and 6 (Sunday), so Saturday is 5. But:

  • 5 and 12 are the same modulo 7 (yes, we have 7 days in a week :-) )
  • so 12 - d.weekday() is between 6 and 12 where 5 - d.weekday() would be between 5 and -1
  • so this allows me not to handle the negative case (-1 for Sunday).

Here is a very simple version (no check) for any weekday:

>>> def get_next_weekday(startdate, weekday):
    @startdate: given date, in format '2013-05-25'
    @weekday: week day as a integer, between 0 (Monday) to 6 (Sunday)
    d = datetime.strptime(startdate, '%Y-%m-%d')
    t = timedelta((7 + weekday - d.weekday()) % 7)
    return (d + t).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

>>> get_next_weekday('2013-05-27', 5) # 5 = Saturday

I found this pendulum pretty useful. Just one line

In [4]:'%Y-%m-%d')
Out[4]: '2019-04-27'

See below for more details:

In [1]: import pendulum

In [2]:
Out[2]: DateTime(2019, 4, 24, 17, 28, 13, 776007, tzinfo=Timezone('America/Los_Angeles'))

In [3]:
Out[3]: DateTime(2019, 4, 27, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('America/Los_Angeles'))

In [4]:'%Y-%m-%d')
Out[4]: '2019-04-27'