Firebase storage - Limit size of image that users upload to firebase storage
Per the Firebase Storage Security Rules docs, you can write rules that check the size of an uploaded file:
service {
match /b/<bucket>/o {
match /files/{fileName} {
allow read;
allow write: if request.resource.size < 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB limit for instance
If you goal is not necessarily to limit the user, but to keep the images in a low size, you could better resize the image on client side using JavaScript.
That was the perfect solution for us, saving:
- Space in our hosting,
- Money for that hosting space,
- Time of the visitor during upload (usually more than 10x less),
- Money of the visitor when uploading through mobile limited bandwith,
- Problems and bad experiences to the visitor when trying to upload a big photo that we would limit with other solutions
If you are interested, you could follow this other answer from dcollien, in which we based the resizing:
As one can see in that answer, the usage method is really simple, and the script to include is only one small JS / ES6 file.
I believe this guy (dcollien) deserves much more merit, so I suggest you to vote his answer and this answer up (so others can find it as relevant).