Fit biggest square inside a polygon

It is an almost trivial computation, which I added to the picture. The sizes of the bigger square, H, and the smaller square, h, are stored in functions, which you can adjust. Everything is computed from those.

    declare function={H=10;h=2;hprime=(H-sqrt(H*H-4*h*H))/2;}]
 \draw (-H/2,H/2-h) -| (-H/2+h,H/2) -|  (H/2-h,H/2-h) -| (H/2,-H/2+h) -| (H/2-h,-H/2)
 -| (-H/2+h,-H/2+h) -| cycle;
 \draw (-H/2+hprime,H/2)  -- (H/2,H/2-hprime) -- (H/2-hprime,-H/2) -- (-H/2,-H/2+hprime)
 \draw[|<->|] (-H/2-2,H/2) -- node[fill=white] {$H-h'$} ++ (0,-H+hprime);
 \draw[|<->|] (-H/2-1,H/2-h) -- node[fill=white] {$H-h-h'$} ++ (0,-H+hprime+h);
 \draw[|<->|] (H/2-h+0.3,H/2) -- node[fill=white] {$h$} ++ (0,-h);
 \draw[|<->|] (-H/2,H/2-h+0.3) -- node[fill=white] {$h$}  ++(h,0);
 \draw[|<->|] (-H/2,H/2+0.3) -- node[fill=white] {$h'$}  ++(hprime,0);
 \path (current bounding box.north) node[above=2em]
 h'=\frac{1}{2}(H-\sqrt{H^2-4\,h\,H})$ };

enter image description here

EDIT: Fixed typo in formula that is displayed, the drawing code is unchanged.

BTW. obviously one needs to demand that h<H/4.

\foreach \X in  {0.5,0.6,...,2.4,2.41,2.42,...,2.5,2.49,2.48,...,2.4,2.3,2.2,...,0.6}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={H=10;h=\X;
 \draw (-H/2,H/2-h) -| (-H/2+h,H/2) -|  (H/2-h,H/2-h) -| (H/2,-H/2+h) -| (H/2-h,-H/2)
 -| (-H/2+h,-H/2+h) -| cycle;
 \draw (-H/2+hprime,H/2)  -- (H/2,H/2-hprime) -- (H/2-hprime,-H/2) -- (-H/2,-H/2+hprime)

enter image description here

The animation can be made smoother by solving for h as a function of hprime.

\foreach \X in  {5,15,...,355}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={H=10;hprime=(1+sin(\X))*H/2;
 \draw (-H/2,H/2-h) -| (-H/2+h,H/2) -|  (H/2-h,H/2-h) -| (H/2,-H/2+h) -| (H/2-h,-H/2)
 -| (-H/2+h,-H/2+h) -| cycle;
 \draw (-H/2+hprime,H/2)  -- (H/2,H/2-hprime) -- (H/2-hprime,-H/2) -- (-H/2,-H/2+hprime)

enter image description here

Here's a solution in Metapost. This is wrapped up in luamplib, so you need to compile it with lualatex. I've left the dotlabels as an exercise-for-the-reader. enter image description here

    path poly, sq, c;
    poly = (for i=0 upto 3: subpath (3, 1) of unitsquare scaled 2 
            shifted (-5, -5) rotated 90i -- endfor cycle) scaled 1cm;

    c = fullcircle rotated 184 scaled abs(point 1 of poly - point 4 of poly) 
                   shifted 1/2[point 1 of poly, point 4 of poly];
    (t, u) = poly intersectiontimes c;

    sq = for i=0 upto 3: point t + 3i of poly -- endfor cycle;

    fill poly withcolor 7/8 [blue, white];
    draw poly;

    fill sq withcolor background;
    draw sq withcolor 2/3 blue;



  • the poly path is constructed by taking the top and right sides of the standard unitsquare path scaled and shifted to the bottom left, then rotated four times. The -- in the loop is enough to draw the long sides.

  • to solve the puzzle you make a circle between the first two inner corners and find where it cuts the polygon. This is time t returned from the intersectiontimes command. Rotating the circle by 184 turns out to be important; otherwise you find the intersection at the corner rather than the intersection along the long side.

  • armed with the time along the path, you just have to connect the points t, t+3, t+6 and t+9 of the polygon.

  • to get the "other" solution, rotate the circle by 274 instead of 184

  • and if you want to see the circle, try adding draw c dashed withdots scaled 1/2 withcolor 2/3 red;

  • finally if you want MP to find the actual area for you, then try adding this at the end: label(decimal round((abs(point 1 of sq - point 0 of sq)/cm)**2), origin);. On my system this shows "60".

With tkz-euclide



\tkzDefSquare(Z,W) \tkzGetPoints{X}{Y}


But why XYZW is the biggest square ?

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf
