How can I draw these cones properly without the base exceeding the lines?

It is not too difficult to compute the angle of the intersection from your inputs.

\begin{tikzpicture}[fill opacity=0.2,text opacity=1]
    % compute the aspect of the cylinder/cone
    % compute the critical angle at which the mantle intersects the base
    % lower cone
    \path (0,\h) + (-\alphacrit:\r cm and \p cm) coordinate (br)
    (0,\h) + (180+\alphacrit:\r cm and \p cm) coordinate (bl);
    \draw[left color=gray!50!black, right color=gray!50!black, middle color=gray!50,
      line width = 0.6pt] 
      (bl) arc[start angle=180+\alphacrit,end angle=360-\alphacrit,
        x radius=\r*1cm,y radius=\p*1cm]
     -- (0,0) -- cycle;
    % cylinder base
    \fill[gray] (0,\h) circle[x radius=\r,y radius=\p];
    \draw[dashed,line width = 0.6pt] (\r,\h) 
    arc[start angle=0,end angle=180,x radius=\r*1cm,y radius=\p*1cm];
    \fill[fill=black,fill opacity=1] (0,\h) circle[radius=1.2pt];
    % cylinder mantle
    \draw[line width = 0.6pt,left color=gray!50!black, right
        color=gray!50!black, middle color=gray!50]
     (\r,\h) arc[start angle=0,end angle=-180,x radius=\r*1cm,y radius=\p*1cm]
     -- (-\r,3*\h)  arc[start angle=180,end angle=360,x radius=\r*1cm,y radius=\p*1cm] 
     -- cycle;
    % cylinder top
    \fill[gray] (0,3*\h) circle[x radius=\r,y radius=\p];
    \draw[dashed,line width = 0.6pt] (\r,3*\h) 
     arc[start angle=0,end angle=180,x radius=\r*1cm,y radius=\p*1cm];
    \fill[fill=black,fill opacity=1] (0,3*\h) circle[radius=1.2pt];
    % upper cone
    \path (0,3*\h) + (\alphacrit:\r cm and \p cm) coordinate (tr)
    (0,3*\h) + (180-\alphacrit:\r cm and \p cm) coordinate (tl);
    \draw[left color=gray!50!black, right color=gray!50!black, middle color=gray!50,
      line width = 0.6pt] 
      (tl) arc[start angle=180-\alphacrit,end angle=360+\alphacrit,
      x radius=\r*1cm,y radius=\p*1cm]
     -- (0,4*\h) -- cycle;
    % annotations 
    \draw[|-|] (\r+0.3,0) -- node[right] {$1.5$} (\r+0.3,\h);
    \draw[|-|] (-\r-0.3,\h) -- node[left] {$3.0$} (-\r-0.3,3*\h);
    \draw[|-|] (\r+0.3,3*\h) -- node[right] {$1.5$} (\r+0.3,4*\h);
    \draw[dashed] (0,3*\h) -- node[above=-1.5pt] {$1.5$} (\r,3*\h);

enter image description here

There is a chance that my other post on this is wrong...

It's quite flexible to make pic with the following kind of pgfkeys code (credit to whom? Schrodinger's cat?)


This is my first try. The code for pic cylinder is straight.

(0,0) pic[brown]{cylinder}
(7,0) pic[cyan]{cylinder={major=3,minor=.75,height=4}};

enter image description here

For pic cone, I add the boolean key upside down via boolean comparison\newif\ifupsidedown with setting

upside down/.initial=false, % Initially, cylinder is upside
upside down/.is if=upsidedown

enter image description here

(0,0) pic[blue]{cone}
(7,0) pic[red]{cone={major=3,minor=.75,height=2.5,upside down=true}};

Here is the final picture.

enter image description here

Full code is as follows.

%%%%%%%% CYLINDER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
arc(0:-180:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}})
arc(180:-180:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}});
(\pv{major},0) arc(0:180:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}});
}% end of the pic: cylinder 
%%%%%%%% CONE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
(-\t:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}})--(0,-\pv{height})--(180+\t:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}})
(\pv{major},0) arc(0:360:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}});
(\t:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}})--(0,\pv{height})--(180-\t:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}})
arc(180-\t:360+\t:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}});
(\t:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}}) arc(\t:180-\t:{\pv{major}} and {\pv{minor}});
upside down/.initial=false,
upside down/.is if=upsidedown
} % end of the pic: cone
(0,0) pic[brown]{cylinder}
(7,0) pic[cyan]{cylinder={major=3,minor=.75,height=4}}
(0,0) pic[blue]{cone}
(7,0) pic[red]{cone={major=3,minor=.75,height=2.5,upside down=true}}
\def\a{1.5} \def\b{.5} \def\hcy{3} \def\hco{1.5}
pic{cone={major=\a,minor=\b,height=\hco,upside down=true}}

% for legends
\draw[dashed] (\a,\hcy)--(0,\hcy) node[above]{1.5};
\draw[|-|] (\a+.3,\hcy)--+(90:\hco) node[right]{1.5};
\draw[|-|] (\a+.3,0)--+(-90:\hco) node[right]{1.5};
\draw[|-|] (-\a-.3,0)--+(90:\hcy) node[left]{3};
\fill (0,0) circle(1.5pt) (0,\hcy) circle(1.5pt);       

You can try this code

\usepackage{tikz, tikz-3dplot}
\pgfmathsetmacro\h{3} %height of cylinder
    \pgfmathsetmacro\R{3} %radius of base
    \pgfmathsetmacro\v{\h + 3} 
    \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=1, tdplot_main_coords, axis/.style={blue,thick}]
    (0,0,0) coordinate (O) 
    (0,0,\v) coordinate (B) 
    (0,0,\t) coordinate (A);
    \pgfmathsetmacro\fraction{\fraction<1 ? \fraction : 1}
        \draw[dashed] (\tdplotmainphi:\R) arc(\tdplotmainphi:\tdplotmainphi+180:\R);

        \draw[thick] (\tdplotmainphi:\R)  arc(\tdplotmainphi:\tdplotmainphi-180:\R);

\draw[thick]  ({\R*cos(\tdplotmainphi)},{\R*sin(\tdplotmainphi)},0 ) -- ({\R*cos(\tdplotmainphi)},{\R*sin(\tdplotmainphi)},\h );
    \draw[thick]  ({\R*cos(\tdplotmainphi-180)},{\R*sin(\tdplotmainphi-180)},0 ) -- ({\R*cos(\tdplotmainphi-180)},{\R*sin(\tdplotmainphi-180)},\h );
    \draw[thick] (B) -- (\R*\cosPhiOne,\R*\sinPhiOne,\h);
    \draw[thick] (B) -- (\R*\cosPhiTwo,\R*\sinPhiTwo,\h);
    \draw[thick] (A) -- (\R*\cosPhiOneBis,\R*\sinPhiOneBis,0);
\draw[thick] (A) -- (\R*\cosPhiTwoBis,\R*\sinPhiTwoBis,0);
    \foreach \p in {O,B,A}
    \draw[fill=black] (\p) circle (1pt);
    \foreach \p/\g in {O/-45,B/90,A/-90}
    \path (\p)+(\g:3mm) node{$\p$};
    \draw[dashed]  (A)--(B)    (-\R*\sinazm,-\R*\cosazm,0) -- (-\R*\sinazp,+\R*\cosazp,0) ;

enter image description here

You can try

\usepackage{tikz, tikz-3dplot}
\pgfmathsetmacro\h{3} %height of cylinder
    \pgfmathsetmacro\R{8} %radius of base
    \pgfmathsetmacro\v{\h + 3} 
    \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=1, tdplot_main_coords, axis/.style={blue,thick}]
    (0,0,0) coordinate (O) 
    (0,0,\v) coordinate (B) 
    (0,0,\t) coordinate (A);
    \pgfmathsetmacro\fraction{\fraction<1 ? \fraction : 1}
            \draw[dashed] (\tdplotmainphi:\R) arc(\tdplotmainphi:\tdplotmainphi+180:\R);

        \draw[thick] (\tdplotmainphi:\R)  arc(\tdplotmainphi:\tdplotmainphi-180:\R);

\draw[thick]  ({\R*cos(\tdplotmainphi)},{\R*sin(\tdplotmainphi)},0 ) -- ({\R*cos(\tdplotmainphi)},{\R*sin(\tdplotmainphi)},\h );
    \draw[thick]  ({\R*cos(\tdplotmainphi-180)},{\R*sin(\tdplotmainphi-180)},0 ) -- ({\R*cos(\tdplotmainphi-180)},{\R*sin(\tdplotmainphi-180)},\h );
    \draw[thick] (B) -- (\R*\cosPhiOne,\R*\sinPhiOne,\h);
    \draw[thick] (B) -- (\R*\cosPhiTwo,\R*\sinPhiTwo,\h);
    \draw[thick] (A) -- (\R*\cosPhiOneBis,\R*\sinPhiOneBis,0);
\draw[thick] (A) -- (\R*\cosPhiTwoBis,\R*\sinPhiTwoBis,0);
    \foreach \p in {O,B,A}
    \draw[fill=black] (\p) circle (1pt);
    \foreach \p/\g in {O/-45,B/90,A/-90}
    \path (\p)+(\g:3mm) node{$\p$};
    \draw[dashed]  (A)--(B)    (-\R*\sinazm,-\R*\cosazm,0) -- (-\R*\sinazp,+\R*\cosazp,0) ;


enter image description here