Floating Action Button blocking other components

I just had this issue now, and I solved it this way:

public void addBlankSpace(ListView listView)
    Space space = new Space(listView.getContext());

And I guess there is always a better way. like checking if you even need it. and only then to display it. but for now, this simple code works just fine.

And here is the conversion function:

public static int dpToPx(int dp)
    return (int)(dp * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().density);

Or we can just add some padding:

listView.setPadding(0, 0, 0, Core.dpToPx(50));

Add a blank View with the same height as floating button in footer of list. So when you scroll your list, last item will come up and floating button will not hide last item of list. This is a simple and quick solution.

I just do what I think the Google Gmail app is doing and add padding to the RecyclerView (or ListView). Remember to set clipToPadding to false so that the RecyclerView behaves correctly when it is inside a CoordinatorLayout.

    android:paddingBottom="100dp" />