\fontfamily{...}\selectfont does not work with XeLaTeX engine
You need to specify explicitly the font encoding, because by default TU
is used which is a way to coerce LaTeX classic font selection system into working with OpenType fonts.
\fontfamily{pag}\selectfont \item Avant Garde
\fontfamily{fvs}\selectfont \item Bitstream Vera Sans
\fontfamily{pbk}\selectfont \item Bookman
\fontfamily{bch}\selectfont \item Charter
\fontfamily{ccr}\selectfont \item Computer Concrete
\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont \item Computer Modern
\fontfamily{pcr}\selectfont \item Courier
\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont \item Helvetica
\fontfamily{fi4}\selectfont \item Inconsolata
\fontfamily{lmr}\selectfont \item Latin Modern
\fontfamily{lmss}\selectfont\item Latin Modern Sans
\fontfamily{lmtt}\selectfont\item Latin Modern Typewriter
\fontfamily{pnc}\selectfont \item New Century Schoolbook
\fontfamily{ppl}\selectfont \item Palatino
\fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont \item Times
\fontfamily{uncl}\selectfont\item Uncial
\fontfamily{put}\selectfont \item Utopia
\fontfamily{pzc}\selectfont \item Zapf Chancery
You can switch back and forth, although it is advisable to use only OpenType fonts with XeTeX/LuaTeX.
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
Now using Times New Roman.
Now using Computer Modern classic 8bit font files.
Now using again Times New Roman.
Now using Zapf Chancery classic 8bit font files.
Now using again Times New Roman.
Now using New Century Schoolbook classic 8bit font files.
Now using again Times New Roman.
The short names are required for 8 letter file systems last century. Using xelatex you can refer to your system fonts via their font names, so for example
\setmainfont{Bitstream Vera Sans}
\item Hello World