Function like KeyMap that combines values in case of key collisions

keyCombineBy[assoc_?AssociationQ, by_, post_] := GroupBy[
    Normal@assoc, by@*First -> Last, post

keyCombineBy[<|{a, 1} -> 1, {a, 2} -> 2, {b, 1} -> 3|>, First, ff]
<|a -> ff[{1, 2}], b -> ff[{3}]|>

This minimal modification makes it slightly faster:

keyCombineBy3[assoc_?AssociationQ, by_, post_] := GroupBy[
        Normal@assoc, by@*First , post @* Values

Or, alternatively (slow):

 keyCombineBy2[assoc_?AssociationQ, by_, post_
 ] := Merge[post] @ KeyValueMap[by@#1 -> #2 &] @ assoc

You may use Query to improve performance.

keyCombine[fun_, asc_?AssociationQ, comb_ : Identity] :=
 asc //
   Query[Normal /* GroupBy[fun@*Keys]] //
  Query[All, (Values@# &) /* comb]

Here Values@# & is used instead of Values to circumvent the syntax sugar that works against our intention in this case. Since we have a list of rules under each Key from the first Query then [All, Values] maps all the way down to the values of the list of keys. I think this is syntax sugar but it might be a bug (Ideas?). In any case rolling our own pure function escapes this and lets us place Values on the list of rules.


aa = AssociationThread[RandomInteger[1000000, 100000], RandomInteger[1000000, 100000]];


keyCombine[Mod[#, 5] &, aa, Total] // AbsoluteTiming
   <|4 -> 9451454209, 2 -> 9485726007, 3 -> 9480421781, 0 -> 9443541021, 
     1 -> 9545354067|>}

Or, alternatively

keyCombine2[fun_, asc_?AssociationQ, comb_ : Identity] :=
 Query[Normal /* GroupBy[fun@*Keys] /* Map[comb@*Values]]@asc

This replaces both the second Query and the pure Values function with Map in the first Query.


keyCombine2[Mod[#, 5] &, aa, Total] // AbsoluteTiming
   <|4 -> 9451454209, 2 -> 9485726007, 3 -> 9480421781, 0 -> 9443541021, 
     1 -> 9545354067|>}

This is ever so slightly slower than keyCombine above but some may find it easier to read.

Hope this helps.