Generating a normal map from a height map?

A common method is using a Sobel filter for a weighted/smooth derivative in each direction.

Start by sampling a 3x3 area of heights around each texel (here, [4] is the pixel we want the normal for).



//float s[9] contains above samples
vec3 n;
n.x = scale * -(s[2]-s[0]+2*(s[5]-s[3])+s[8]-s[6]);
n.y = scale * -(s[6]-s[0]+2*(s[7]-s[1])+s[8]-s[2]);
n.z = 1.0;
n = normalize(n);

Where scale can be adjusted to match the heightmap real world depth relative to its size.

My thinking is that each pixel of the image represents a lattice coordinate in a 256 x 256 grid (hence, why there are 257 x 257 heights). That would mean that the normal at coordinate (i, j) is determined by the heights at (i, j), (i, j + 1), (i + 1, j), and (i + 1, j + 1) (call those A, B, C, and D, respectively).

No. Each pixel of the image represents a vertex of the grid, so intuitively, from symmetry, its normal is determined by heights of neighboring pixels (i-1,j), (i+1,j), (i,j-1), (i,j+1).

Given a function f : ℝ2 → ℝ that describes a surface in ℝ3, a unit normal at (x,y) is given by

v = (−∂f/∂x, −∂f/∂y, 1) and n = v/|v|.

It can be proven that the best approximation to ∂f/∂x by two samples is archived by:

∂f/∂x(x,y) = (f(x+ε,y) − f(x−ε,y))/(2ε)

To get a better approximation you need to use at least four points, thus adding a third point (i.e. (x,y)) doesn't improve the result.

Your hightmap is a sampling of some function f on a regular grid. Taking ε=1 you get:

2v = (f(x−1,y) − f(x+1,y), f(x,y−1) − f(x,y+1), 2)

Putting it into code would look like:

// sample the height map:
float fx0 = f(x-1,y), fx1 = f(x+1,y);
float fy0 = f(x,y-1), fy1 = f(x,y+1);

// the spacing of the grid in same units as the height map
float eps = ... ;

// plug into the formulae above:
vec3 n = normalize(vec3((fx0 - fx1)/(2*eps), (fy0 - fy1)/(2*eps), 1));

Example GLSL code from my water surface rendering shader:

#version 130
uniform sampler2D unit_wave
noperspective in vec2 tex_coord;
const vec2 size = vec2(2.0,0.0);
const ivec3 off = ivec3(-1,0,1);

    vec4 wave = texture(unit_wave, tex_coord);
    float s11 = wave.x;
    float s01 = textureOffset(unit_wave, tex_coord, off.xy).x;
    float s21 = textureOffset(unit_wave, tex_coord, off.zy).x;
    float s10 = textureOffset(unit_wave, tex_coord, off.yx).x;
    float s12 = textureOffset(unit_wave, tex_coord, off.yz).x;
    vec3 va = normalize(vec3(size.xy,s21-s01));
    vec3 vb = normalize(vec3(size.yx,s12-s10));
    vec4 bump = vec4( cross(va,vb), s11 );

The result is a bump vector: xyz=normal, a=height