Get a file's last modified date in VB6

There is a built in VB6 function for that - no need for FSO (although FSO is great for more advanced file operations)


Dim MyStamp As Date
MyStamp = FileDateTime("C:\TESTFILE.txt")

Add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (Project->References...) and use the following code:

Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim fil As File

Set fil = fso.GetFile("C:\foo.txt")
Debug.Print fil.DateLastModified

This is definitely the easiest way to achieve what you are looking for.

Dim myString as String

Dim myDate As Date

myString = Format(FileDateTime("C:\TESTFILE.txt"), "dd-MM-yyyy")

myDate = MyString

If you dim your variable as a string, you can use the Format function to shorten the result to just the date.

If you need your variable to be declared as a Date then do as I have done above and declare that as a separate variable. Once the Format function has done its job, copy the String variable to the Date variable and you're done in two lines of code.

As simple as that.

