Get distinct items from a list

Example of a more complex distinct'ing....

licenseLookupItems = tmpList
                .GroupBy(x => new {x.LicenseNumber, x.Name, x.Location, x.Active, x.Archived})
                .Select(p => p.FirstOrDefault())
                .Select(p => new LicenseNumberLookupItem
                    LicenseNumber = p.LicenseNumber,
                    Name = p.Name,
                    Location = p.Location,
                    Active = p.Active,
                    Archived = p.Archived


var g = collection.Select(i => i.Property1).Distinct();

Could you post some source code so that we can give you a better example?


In my example, I have a collection collection which contains numerous instances of your class. I'm then selecting Property1 from each class, filtering to the distinct values of that property.

This should work,

List<int> result = YourListObject.Select(o => o.FirstInteger).Distinct().ToList();

I have found this useful and working fine for me for strings.

var distinctNames = (from d in YourList select d).Distinct();

Hope this is useful for some one like me searching for details in SO.



