Get name of dictionary

You should also consider adding a "name" key to each dictionary.

The names would be:

for dc in dict_list:
    # Insert command that should replace ???
    print 'The name of the dictionary is: ', dc['name']

Don't use a dict_list, use a dict_dict if you need their names. In reality, though, you should really NOT be doing this. Don't embed meaningful information in variable names. It's tough to get.

dict_dict = {'dict1':dict1, 'dicta':dicta, 'dict666':dict666}

for name,dict_ in dict_dict.items():
    print 'the name of the dictionary is ', name
    print 'the dictionary looks like ', dict_

Alternatively make a dict_set and iterate over locals() but this is uglier than sin.

dict_set = {dict1,dicta,dict666}

for name,value in locals().items():
    if value in dict_set:
        print 'the name of the dictionary is ', name
        print 'the dictionary looks like ', value

Again: uglier than sin, but it DOES work.