Get next date from weekday in JavaScript

Just adding 7 doesn't solve the problem.

The below function will give you the next day of the week.

function nextDay(x){
    var now = new Date();    
    now.setDate(now.getDate() + (x+(7-now.getDay())) % 7);
    return now;

And if you do not want do pass numbers but weekday-names (sunday - saturday) to find a future date of a certain weekday, then this helps you as well:

function getDateOfWeekday(refday){
    var days = {
        monday: 1,
        tuesday: 2,
        wednesday: 3,
        thursday: 4,
        friday: 5,
        saturday: 6,
        sunday: 0
    if(!days.hasOwnProperty(refday))throw new Error(refday+" is not listed in "+JSON.stringify(days));
    var currDate = new Date();
    var currTimestamp = currDate.getTime();
    var triggerDay = days[refday];
    var dayMillDiff=0;
    var dayInMill = 1000*60*60*24;
    // add a day to dayMillDiff as long as the desired refday (sunday for instance) is not reached
        dayMillDiff += dayInMill;
        currDate = new Date(currDate.getTime()+dayInMill);
    return new Date(currTimestamp + dayMillDiff);

var sunday = getDateOfWeekday("sunday");
document.write("Next Sunday is at: <strong>"+sunday.toLocaleString()+"</strong><br/>");

var thursday = getDateOfWeekday("thursday");
thursday.setHours(0,0,0,0); // set hours/minutes/seconds and millseconds to zero
document.write("Next Thursday is at: <strong>"+thursday.toLocaleString()+"</strong> on midnight<br/>");

var tuesday = getDateOfWeekday("tuesday");
document.write("Next Tuesday is at: <strong>"+tuesday.toLocaleString()+"</strong><br/>");

Here's a slightly modified version to Tim's answer to address the specific question-- pass in a date d, and, and a desired day of week (dow 0-6), return the date

function nextDay(d, dow){
    d.setDate(d.getDate() + (dow+(7-d.getDay())) % 7);
    return d;

Here is another simple solution

//takes dayIndex from sunday(0) to saturday(6)
function nextDate(dayIndex) {
    var today = new Date();
    today.setDate(today.getDate() + (dayIndex - 1 - today.getDay() + 7) % 7 + 1);
    return today;
document.write("Next Sunday is: "+nextDate(0).toLocaleString()+"<br/>");
document.write("Next Thursday is: "+nextDate(4).toLocaleString()+"<br/>");
document.write("Next Saturday is: "+nextDate(6).toLocaleString());