Get the first word in a String of words & spaces - Substring first word before space

If your string is heavy, componentsSeparatedByString() tends to be faster.

Swift 2:

var date = "1,340d 1h 15m 52s"
if let first = date.componentsSeparatedByString(" ").first {
    // Do something with the first component.

Swift 3/4/5:

if let first = date.components(separatedBy: " ").first {
    // Do something with the first component.

In this context, neither the .componentsSeparatedByString(" ") method nor the characters.split(" ") method is the "best approach". Both these methods will traverse the full String object, and give a String array as an result. Only after the array has been computed do we extract the first entry of this array. If we're treating a huge string, this is quite unnecessary in this context, and will result in an unnecessary overhead.

Instead, for a huge string, the following method is to prefer:

let firstDateEntryFast = date.substringToIndex((date.rangeOfString(" ")?.first)!)

This will look for the index of the first occurrence of " ", and thereafter return the substring from start of original string up only to the first occurrence. I.e., it will never investigate or make use of the original (in this context: assumed large) string beyond they point of the first " " occurrence.

You should note, however, that due to the force unwrap (operator (!)), this will crash at runtime if the string does not contain any instance of " ". So to stay safe, and follow the optional convention of Swift, use it in an if let clause:

if let myRange = date.rangeOfString(" ") {
    let firstDateEntryFast = date.substringToIndex(myRange.first!)
        // at this point, you know myRange is non-empty, and hence, .first can be
        // force-unwrapped
else {
    let firstDateEntryFast = date
        // no " " separation, unexpected? -> action

As in my first version of the answer, split can be used as an alternative (comparable with componentsSeparatedByString):

var date = "1,340d 1h 15m 52s"
let dateAsArray = date.characters.split(" ").map{ String($0) }
let firstDateEntry = dateAsArray[0]

Alternatively, skip storing them all in an array and directly get the first entry

var date = "1,340d 1h 15m 52s"
let firstDateEntryDirectly = String(date.characters.split(" ")[0])

Swift 3 version

var str = "Hello, playground one two three"
let firstWord = str.components(separatedBy: " ").first


