Get the latest download link programmatically

Solution that determines and downloads the latest stable version via (, used in the original solution below, does not distinguish between stable and mainline versions) - works on both Linux and OSX:

# Determine the latest stable version's download URL, assumed to be 
# the first `/download/nginx-*.tar.gz`-like link following the header 
# "Stable version".
latestVer=$(curl -s '' | 
   sed 's/</\'$'\n''</g' | sed -n '/>Stable version$/,$ p' | 
   egrep -m1 -o '/download/nginx-.+\.tar\.gz')

# Download.
curl "${latestVer}" > nginx-latest.tar.gz

Note: This relies on specifics of the HTML structure of page, which is not the most robust solution.

Original solution that determines the latest version via, where no distinction is made between stable and mainline versions:

On Linux, try:

 # Determine latest version:
 latestVer=$(curl '' | 
   grep -oP 'href="nginx-\K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | 
   sort -t. -rn -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 | head -1)

 # Download latest version:
 curl "${latestVer}.tar.gz" > nginx-latest.tar.gz

This does NOT rely on a specific listing order at; instead, version numbers are extracted and sorted appropriately.

On OSX - where grep doesn't support -P and \K for dropping the left part of a match is not available, try:

# Determine latest version:
latestVer=$(curl '' | 
 egrep -o 'href="nginx-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | sed 's/^href="nginx-//' |
 sort -t. -rn -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 | head -1)

# Download latest version:
curl "${latestVer}.tar.gz" > nginx-latest.tar.gz

This will determine the latest stable version:

$ lynx -dump \
    | awk '/Stable/{t=1}t&&/nginx-/{$0=$2;sub(/.+\]/,"");print;exit}'

Use this result to assemble a proper download URL and use wget/curl to download.

This will determine the download URL of the most recent release:

$ lynx -dump | awk '/nginx-.*\.zip$/{url=$2}END{print url}'

This relies on their webserver sorting the directory listing by date (which it currently does).

