Getting ffmpeg to work with Heroku

You have replaced the Ruby buildpack with the FFMpeg buildpack. That doesn't work. You still need to include the Ruby buildpack to run a Rails app.

You can do this by using ddollar's heroku buildpack-multi -

You would then add a .buildpacks file to the root directory of your project that includes both the standard Ruby buildpack and your FFMpeg buildpack.

I had a similar issue when I tried to install FFMPEG with my rails app onto Heroku. I ended up using paperclip-av-transcoder gem, because all the other FFMPEG gems had been deprecated.

Regardless, I had install the FFMPEG buildpack on Heroku (an add-on element). This killed my Heroku app processes, with "No web processes running" error.

Apparently, when you install a buildpack in Heroku you now have to create a Procfile with basic instructions like below:

web: bin/rails server -p $PORT -e $RAILS_ENV
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work

However, you still have to log on to and turn them on! Which is ridiculous! But my app works now.

So the process is:

  1. Install gem
  2. Install buildpack on Heroku
  3. Create Procfile at your app's root path and write your basic instructions to launch the app and start dynos
  4. Log onto and manually turn on the processes in your Resources tab.

I faced same issue and try to install existing ffmpeg buildpacks like but all only support 'ffmpeg' single commend but we required whole support of 'ffmpeg' like it work on our local system after installation.

I have made some change in buildpack and created a custom build pack at so it will support all ffmpeg command 'ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffserver, ffmpeg-10bit and qt-faststart'

Easy way for installing complete support of 'ffmpeg' for heroku app

# Ruby buildpack
$ cat .buildpacks

# for new project
$ heroku create --buildpack

# for existing project
$ heroku buildpacks:set

$ heroku config:set FFMPEG_BIN_URL=""

$ git push heroku master

# verify and profit!
$ heroku run "ffmpeg -version"
$ heroku run "ffprobe -version"
$ heroku run "ffserver -version"
$ heroku run "ffmpeg-10bit -version"
$ heroku run "qt-faststart -version"