Getting the real background-color of an element?

Javascript only version:

function realBackgroundColor(elem) {
    var transparent = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
    var transparentIE11 = 'transparent';
    if (!elem) return transparent;

    var bg = getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundColor;
    if (bg === transparent || bg === transparentIE11) {
        return realBackgroundColor(elem.parentElement);
    } else {
        return bg;
realBackgroundColor(document.querySelector('#element')); // rgb(255, 255, 255)

Note that it does not take opacity or background images into account.

Try window.getComputedStyle:

window.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue("background-color")

This approach is simple and native, but doesn't support IE8