git list all available commands


git help -a

If you are using linux (BASH). You can try

`$ git [TAB] [TAB]`

Then I got something like this:

$ git 
add                 fetch               rebase 
am                  fetchavs            reflog 
annotate            filter-branch       relink 
apply               format-patch        remote 
archive             fsck                repack 
bisect              gc                  replace 
blame               get-tar-commit-id   request-pull 
br                  grep                reset 
branch              gui                 revert 
bundle              help                rm 
checkout            imap-send           shortlog 
cherry              init                show 
cherry-pick         instaweb            show-branch 
ci                  log                 st 
citool              log1                stage 
clean               merge               stash 
clone               mergetool           status 
co                  mv                  submodule 
commit              name-rev            svn 
config              notes               tag 
describe            pull                whatchanged 
diff                push                
difftool            pushav              

As @CharlesBailey already suggested, git help -a is a great way to list all of the subcommands that git offers. However, if you want to remove some of the formatting that git prints, that can be done too:

The easiest way to get a list of all git subcommands is as follows:

git help -a | grep "^  [a-z]" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v "^$"

This takes the output of git help -a, selects only the lines that are indented, converts spaces to newline characters, and then removes the empty lines.

Why would you want something like this? A common reason for wanting to list the subcommands of a command is to enable autocompletion in Bash:

complete -W "$(git help -a | grep "^  [a-z]")" git

Now, when you type git br and press TAB, it autocompletes to git branch. Enjoy!


