Gmail wraps certain HTML elements in a class called im

Gmail seems to think that you are quoting other emails in a conversation and so is wrapping around the sections of your code that it thinks are previous bits in a conversation.

This might happen if your code has a TABLE with more than one TR. To get around this, rather than several TRs in one TABLE, use several TABLEs with one TR in each.

This might also happen if you have multiple subject lines that are the same, causing Gmail to think this is a conversation. You can fix this by making each subject line unique.

Separate style files do not work for emails. What you can do though is add style for this class in the html as follows:

       <style type="text/css">
        .im {
           color: #000000 !important;

This should give style to the class .im in case its found

I also experienced this problem when using a paragraph with single line breaks in it like this:

   line 1<br>
   line 2<br>
   line 3

I was able to correct the problem from happening in Gmail from removing all the blank space from that specific part of HTML and bringing that entire paragraph and all it's contents back flush against the left edge of the screen. Sure it looks a little messy and you lose your proper indenting, but I think this helps Gmail not accidentally think you're quoting something inline.


