Golfed fixed point combinator

Haskell: 10 characters

y f=f$y f

Example of use to create recursive definitions of factorial or nth-Fibonacci:

> map ( y(\f n->if n <= 1 then 1 else n*f(n-1)) ) [1..10]

> map ( y(\f n->if n <= 1 then 1 else f(n-1)+f(n-2)) ) [0..10]

Though, a more common way to use y would be to generate these sequences directly, rather than as functions:

> take 10 $ y(\p->1:zipWith (*) [2..] p)

> take 11 $ y(\f->1:1:zipWith (+) f (tail f))

Of course, with Haskell, this is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel! The Data.Function library has this function, called fix, though implemented somewhat more verbosely.

Perl, 37

sub f{my$s=$_[0];sub{$s->(f($s),@_)}}

Factorial demonstration:

sub fact {
  my ($r, $n) = @_;
  return 1 if $n < 2;
  return $n * $r->($n-1);
print "Factorial $_ is ", f(\&fact)->($_), "\n" for 0..10;

Fibonacci demonstration:

sub fib {
  my ($r, $n) = @_;
  return 1 if $n < 2;
  return $r->($n-1) + $r->($n-2);
print "Fibonacci number $_ is ", f(\&fib)->($_), "\n" for 0..10;

GNU C - 89 chars

#define fix(f,z)({typeof(f)__f=(f);typeof(__f(0,z))x(typeof(z)n){return __f(x,n);}x(z);})


#define lambda2(arg1, arg2, expr) ({arg1;arg2;typeof(expr)__f(arg1,arg2){return(expr);};__f;})

int main(void)
    /* 3628800 */
    printf("%ld\n", fix(lambda2(
        long factorial(int n), int n, 
            n < 2 ? 1 : n * factorial(n-1)
        ), 10));

    /* 89 */
    printf("%ld\n", fix(lambda2(
        long fibonacci(int n), int n, 
            n < 2 ? 1 : fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
        ), 10));

    return 0;