Google Docs using multiple manual criterion in DSUM

Google updated the DSUM function. The update requires you to specify an array/table for criterion.
Where Column names and Criterion were named before, you now reference a table:
"F3" and "G3" are the column names to be referenced.
"F4" and "G4" are the Test Values.
"F3" is Category
"G3" is Split?
"F4" is Coffee
"G4" is Yes
An example of the new formula is:
=DSUM(A1:E55, "Charge", {F3:G4})
I think this makes it easier to update the table and reference changes.
You can have multiple criteria, I tested it with "Equipment" and "Yes" by adding another row to my criterion table.

Reference: Google Help: DSUM()

The Old Way:
The correct syntax is to use commas to separate the columns.
{ Column1 , Column2 ; Test 1 , Test 2}
so your formula should be
=DSUM(J3:L55, "Charge", {"Category","Split";"Coffee","Yes"})


=DSUM(J3:L55, "Charge", {{"Category";"Coffee"},{"Split";"Yes"}})


Google Docs