Laravel - Mass Assignment Exception error

To be able to set properties by passing them to the model's constructor, you need to list all the properties you need in the $fillable array. As mentioned in the Docs

class Bedroom extends Eloquent {
    protected $fillable = array('criteria_id', 'bedroom');

Also you can use the create method if you want. It creates a new model and saves it directly:

foreach(Input::get('bedrooms') as $bedroom){
        'criteria_id' => $criteria->id,
        'bedroom' => $bedroom,
    $bedroom = Bedroom::create($new_bedroom);

The inverse of what lukas said is "guarded". Instead of "white-listing" fields, you could just declare which are guarded.

For example:

class Bedroom extends Model
    protected $guarded = ['id'];

This was more useful for me because I didn't really care about most fields.

Gotten from the docs for Laravel 5.2 but I assume it works on older versions.

To allow any fields, you could just provide an empty array:

class Bedroom extends Model
    protected $guarded = [];