Google OR tools - train scheduling problem

Off the top of my head, not sure if it is the best way:

assignments = {
    (route, train): model.NewBoolVar('')
    for route in routes
    for train in all_trains

Every train must be assigned to at least one route (and max two routes)

for train in all_trains:
    model.Add(sum(assignments[route, train] for route in routes) >= 1)
    model.Add(sum(assignments[route, train] for route in routes) <= 2)

The trains final mileage, once assigned to a route, must not exceed 24,800

Create a dictionary with the mileage of each route: route_km = {'R11': 700, 'R16': 600} and the cumulative mileage of each train cum_mileage = {0: 24_320, 3: 24_220}

for train in all_trains:
        assignments[route, train]*route_km[route]
        for route in routes
    ) <= 24_800)

Where a train is assigned to two routes in a day, the times of these routes must not overlap

Create a function that returns True if two routes overlap

Efficient date range overlap calculation in python?

And then:

from itertools import combinations
for (r1, r2) in combinations(routes, 2):
    if not conflicts(r1, r2):
    for train in all_trains:
        model.AddBoolOr([assignments[r1, train].Not(), assignments[r2, train].Not()])

You can compute a score of assigning one route to one train. (like the mileage_of_day_before + route length)

Then you minimize the weighted sum of each Boolean assignment variables.