Gradle Sync Failed - MissingPropertyException after upgrade to gradle 5.1

The issue for me was the jacoco android plugin integration. Fixed it by removing code related to its integration in the project build.gradle file. Hopes this helps!.

The issue with me was related to Jacoco android plugin version 0.1.3 I solved the issue by updating to 0.1.4 and now the issue is solved.

In my case this happened when I upgraded Android Studio to gradle 4.1.0-beta01

The problem was with fabric plugin . I had to replace fabric plugin with firebase-crashlytics-gradle plugin

Project build.gradle

  dependencies {
        classpath ''
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
        classpath "androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:2.2.2"
        classpath ''
//        classpath ''   replaced with below
        classpath ""


Applevel build.gradle

 apply plugin: ''   //use this instead of fabric

dependencies {
//    implementation ''  replace with below
    implementation ''