Group daily schedule into [Start date; End date] intervals with the list of week days

This one uses a recursive CTE. Its result is identical to the example in the question. It was a nightmare to come up with... The code includes comments to ease through its convoluted logic.

SET DATEFIRST 1 -- Make Monday weekday=1

DECLARE @Ranked TABLE (RowID int NOT NULL IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,                   -- Incremental uninterrupted sequence in the right order
                       ID int NOT NULL UNIQUE, ContractID int NOT NULL, dt date,  -- Original relevant values (ID is not really necessary)
                       WeekNo int NOT NULL, dowBit int NOT NULL);                 -- Useful to find gaps in days or weeks
SELECT ID, ContractID, dt,
       DATEDIFF(WEEK, '1900-01-01', DATEADD(DAY, 1-DATEPART(dw, dt), dt)) AS WeekNo,
       POWER(2, DATEPART(dw, dt)-1) AS dowBit
ORDER BY ContractID, WeekNo, dowBit

Each evaluated date makes part of the carried sequence if:
  - this is not a new contract, and
    - sequence started this week, or
    - same day last week was part of the sequence, or
    - sequence started last week and today is a lower day than the accumulated weekdays list
  - and there are no sequence gaps since previous day
(otherwise it does not make part of the old sequence, so it starts a new one) */

DECLARE @RankedRanges TABLE (RowID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, WeekDays int NOT NULL, StartRowID int NULL);

WITH WeeksCTE AS -- Needed for building the sequence gradually, and comparing the carried sequence (and previous day) with a current evaluated day
    SELECT RowID, ContractID, dowBit, WeekNo, RowID AS StartRowID, WeekNo AS StartWN, dowBit AS WeekDays, dowBit AS StartWeekDays
    FROM @Ranked
    WHERE RowID = 1 
    SELECT RowID, ContractID, dowBit, WeekNo, StartRowID,
           CASE WHEN StartRowID IS NULL THEN StartWN ELSE WeekNo END AS WeekNo,
           CASE WHEN StartRowID IS NULL THEN WeekDays | dowBit ELSE dowBit END AS WeekDays,
           CASE WHEN StartRowID IS NOT NULL THEN dowBit WHEN WeekNo = StartWN THEN StartWeekDays | dowBit ELSE StartWeekDays END AS StartWeekDays
    FROM (
        SELECT w.*, pre.StartWN, pre.WeekDays, pre.StartWeekDays,
               CASE WHEN w.ContractID <> pre.ContractID OR     -- New contract always break the sequence
                         NOT (w.WeekNo = pre.StartWN OR        -- Same week as a new sequence always keeps the sequence
                              w.dowBit & pre.WeekDays > 0 OR   -- Days in the sequence keep the sequence (provided there are no gaps, checked later)
                              (w.WeekNo = pre.StartWN+1 AND (w.dowBit-1) & pre.StartWeekDays = 0)) OR -- Days in the second week when less than a week passed since the sequence started remain in sequence
                         (w.WeekNo > pre.StartWN AND -- look for gap after initial week
                          w.WeekNo > pre.WeekNo+1 OR -- look for full-week gaps
                          (w.WeekNo = pre.WeekNo AND                            -- when same week as previous day,
                           ((w.dowBit-1) ^ (pre.dowBit*2-1)) & pre.WeekDays > 0 -- days between this and previous weekdays, compared to current series
                          ) OR
                          (w.WeekNo > pre.WeekNo AND                                   -- when following week of previous day,
                           ((-1 ^ (pre.dowBit*2-1)) | (w.dowBit-1)) & pre.WeekDays > 0 -- days between this and previous weekdays, compared to current series
                          )) THEN w.RowID END AS StartRowID
        FROM WeeksCTE pre
        JOIN @Ranked w ON (w.RowID = pre.RowID + 1)
        ) w
INSERT INTO @RankedRanges -- days sequence and starting point of each sequence
SELECT RowID, WeekDays, StartRowID

--SELECT * FROM @RankedRanges


INSERT INTO @Ranges       -- @RankedRanges filtered only by start of each range, with numbered rows to easily find the end of each range
FROM @RankedRanges

-- Final result putting everything together
SELECT rs.ContractID, rs.dt AS StartDT, re.dt AS EndDT, re.RowID-rs.RowID+1 AS DayCount,
       CASE WHEN rr.WeekDays & 64 > 0 THEN 'Sun,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN rr.WeekDays & 1 > 0 THEN 'Mon,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN rr.WeekDays & 2 > 0 THEN 'Tue,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN rr.WeekDays & 4 > 0 THEN 'Wed,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN rr.WeekDays & 8 > 0 THEN 'Thu,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN rr.WeekDays & 16 > 0 THEN 'Fri,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN rr.WeekDays & 32 > 0 THEN 'Sat,' ELSE '' END AS WeekDays
    SELECT r.RowID AS StartRowID, COALESCE(pos.RowID-1, (SELECT MAX(RowID) FROM @Ranked)) AS EndRowID
    FROM @Ranges r
    LEFT JOIN @Ranges pos ON (pos.RowNo = r.RowNo + 1)
    ) g
JOIN @Ranked rs ON (rs.RowID = g.StartRowID)
JOIN @Ranked re ON (re.RowID = g.EndRowID)
JOIN @RankedRanges rr ON (rr.RowID = re.RowID)

Another strategy

This one should be significantly faster than the previous one because it doesn't rely on the slow limited recursive CTE in SQL Server 2008, although it implements more or less the same strategy.

There is a WHILE loop (I couldn't devise a way to avoid it), but goes for a reduced number of iterations (the highest number of sequences (minus one) on any given contract).

It's a simple strategy, and could be used for sequences either shorter or longer than a week (replacing any occurrence of the constant 7 for any other number, and the dowBit calculated from MODULUS x of DayNo rather than DATEPART(wk)) and up to 32.

SET DATEFIRST 1 -- Make Monday weekday=1

-- Get the minimum information needed to calculate sequences
DECLARE @Days TABLE (ContractID int NOT NULL, dt date, DayNo int NOT NULL, dowBit int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ContractID, DayNo));
SELECT ContractID, dt, CAST(CAST(dt AS datetime) AS int) AS DayNo, POWER(2, DATEPART(dw, dt)-1) AS dowBit

DECLARE @RangeStartFirstPass TABLE (ContractID int NOT NULL, DayNo int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ContractID, DayNo))

-- Calculate, from the above list, which days are not present in the previous 7
INSERT INTO @RangeStartFirstPass
SELECT r.ContractID, r.DayNo
FROM @Days r
LEFT JOIN @Days pr ON (pr.ContractID = r.ContractID AND pr.DayNo BETWEEN r.DayNo-7 AND r.DayNo-1) -- Last 7 days
GROUP BY r.ContractID, r.DayNo, r.dowBit
HAVING r.dowBit & COALESCE(SUM(pr.dowBit), 0) = 0

-- Update the previous list with all days that occur right after a missing day
INSERT INTO @RangeStartFirstPass
    SELECT DISTINCT ContractID, (SELECT MIN(DayNo) FROM @Days WHERE ContractID = d.ContractID AND DayNo > d.DayNo + 7) AS DayNo
    FROM @Days d
    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @Days WHERE ContractID = d.ContractID AND DayNo = d.DayNo + 7)
    ) d
      NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @RangeStartFirstPass WHERE ContractID = d.ContractID AND DayNo = d.DayNo)

DECLARE @RangeStart TABLE (ContractID int NOT NULL, DayNo int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ContractID, DayNo));

-- Fetch the first sequence for each contract
SELECT ContractID, MIN(DayNo)
FROM @RangeStartFirstPass

-- Add to the list above the next sequence for each contract, until all are added
-- (ensure no sequence is added with less than 7 days)
  INSERT INTO @RangeStart
  SELECT f.ContractID, MIN(f.DayNo)
  FROM (SELECT ContractID, MAX(DayNo) AS DayNo FROM @RangeStart GROUP BY ContractID) s
  JOIN @RangeStartFirstPass f ON (f.ContractID = s.ContractID AND f.DayNo > s.DayNo + 7)
  GROUP BY f.ContractID

-- Summarise results
SELECT ContractID, StartDT, EndDT, DayCount,
       CASE WHEN WeekDays & 64 > 0 THEN 'Sun,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN WeekDays & 1 > 0 THEN 'Mon,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN WeekDays & 2 > 0 THEN 'Tue,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN WeekDays & 4 > 0 THEN 'Wed,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN WeekDays & 8 > 0 THEN 'Thu,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN WeekDays & 16 > 0 THEN 'Fri,' ELSE '' END +
       CASE WHEN WeekDays & 32 > 0 THEN 'Sat,' ELSE '' END AS WeekDays
    SELECT r.ContractID,
           MIN(d.dt) AS StartDT,
           MAX(d.dt) AS EndDT,
           COUNT(*) AS DayCount,
           SUM(DISTINCT d.dowBit) AS WeekDays
    FROM (SELECT *, COALESCE((SELECT MIN(DayNo) FROM @RangeStart WHERE ContractID = rs.ContractID AND DayNo > rs.DayNo), 999999) AS DayEnd FROM @RangeStart rs) r
    JOIN @Days d ON (d.ContractID = r.ContractID AND d.DayNo BETWEEN r.DayNo AND r.DayEnd-1)
    GROUP BY r.ContractID, r.DayNo
    ) d
ORDER BY ContractID, StartDT

Not exactly what you are looking for but could perhaps be of interest to you.

The query creates weeks with a comma separated string for the days used in each week. It then finds the islands of consecutive weeks that uses the same pattern in Weekdays.

with Weeks as
  select T.*,
         row_number() over(partition by T.ContractID, T.WeekDays order by T.WeekNumber) as rn
  from (
       select S1.ContractID,
              min(S1.dt) as StartDT,
              max(S1.dt) as EndDT,
              datediff(day, 0, S1.dt) / 7 as WeekNumber, -- Number of weeks since '1900-01-01 (a monday)'
              count(*) as DayCount,
                    select ','+S2.dowChar
                    from @Src as S2
                    where S2.ContractID = S1.ContractID and
                          S2.dt between min(S1.dt) and max(S1.dt)
                    order by S2.dt
                    for xml path('')
                    ), 1, 1, '') as WeekDays
       from @Src as S1
       group by S1.ContractID, 
                datediff(day, 0, S1.dt) / 7
       ) as T
select W.ContractID,
       min(W.StartDT) as StartDT,
       max(W.EndDT) as EndDT,
       count(*) * W.DayCount as DayCount,
from Weeks as W
group by W.ContractID,
         W.rn - W.WeekNumber
order by W.ContractID,


ContractID  StartDT    EndDT      DayCount    WeekDays
----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------------------------
1           2016-05-02 2016-05-13 10          Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
2           2016-05-05 2016-05-06 2           Thu,Fri
2           2016-05-09 2016-05-13 5           Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
2           2016-05-16 2016-05-17 2           Mon,Tue
3           2016-05-02 2016-05-13 6           Mon,Wed,Fri
3           2016-05-16 2016-05-16 1           Mon
4           2016-05-02 2016-05-06 5           Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
4           2016-05-10 2016-05-13 4           Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
5           2016-05-02 2016-05-06 5           Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
5           2016-05-10 2016-05-13 4           Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
5           2016-05-16 2016-05-20 5           Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
6           2016-05-05 2016-05-06 2           Thu,Fri
6           2016-05-09 2016-05-13 5           Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
6           2016-05-16 2016-05-17 2           Mon,Tue
6           2016-06-06 2016-06-17 10          Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
7           2016-05-02 2016-05-08 7           Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun
7           2016-05-09 2016-05-13 5           Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
8           2016-04-30 2016-05-01 2           Sat,Sun
8           2016-05-02 2016-05-08 7           Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun
8           2016-05-09 2016-05-14 6           Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat
9           2016-05-02 2016-05-11 6           Mon,Tue,Wed
9           2016-05-16 2016-05-17 2           Mon,Tue
10          2016-05-05 2016-05-22 12          Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun
11          2016-05-03 2016-05-10 2           Tue
11          2016-05-17 2016-05-19 2           Tue,Thu
11          2016-05-26 2016-06-02 2           Thu

ContractID = 2 shows what the difference in the result is compared to what you want. The first and last week will be treated as separate periods since WeekDays is different.

I ended up with an approach that yields the optimal solution in this case and I think will do well in general. The solution is quite lengthy, however, so it would be interesting to see if someone else has a different approach that is more concise.

Here is a script that contains the full solution.

And here is an outline of the algorithm:

  • Pivot the data set so that there is a single row representing each week
  • Compute the islands of weeks within each ContractId
  • Merge any adjacent weeks that fall within the same ContractId and have same WeekDays
  • For any single weeks (not yet merged) where the previous grouping is on the same island and the WeekDays of the single week matches a leading subset of the WeekDays of the previous grouping, merge into that previous grouping
  • For any single weeks (not yet merged) where the next grouping is on the same island and the WeekDays of the single week matches a trailing subset of the WeekDays of the next grouping, merge into that next grouping
  • For any two adjacent weeks on the same island where neither has been merged, merge them together if they are both partial weeks that can be combined (e.g., "Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu," and "Wed,Thu,Sat,")
  • For any remaining single weeks (not yet merged), if possible split the week into two parts and merge both parts, the first part into the previous grouping on the same island, and the second part into the following grouping on the same island