Group spark dataframe by date

Since 1.5.0 Spark provides a number of functions like dayofmonth, hour, month or year which can operate on dates and timestamps. So if timestamp is a TimestampType all you need is a correct expression. For example:

from pyspark.sql.functions import hour, mean


## +----+------------------+
## |hour|              mean|
## +----+------------------+
## |   0|508.05999999999995|
## |   1| 449.8666666666666|
## |   2| 524.9499999999999|
## |   3|264.59999999999997|
## +----+------------------+

Pre-1.5.0 your best option is to use HiveContext and Hive UDFs either with selectExpr:

df.selectExpr("year(timestamp) AS year", "value").groupBy("year").sum()

## +----+---------+----------+   
## |year|SUM(year)|SUM(value)|
## +----+---------+----------+
## |2015|    40300|    9183.0|
## +----+---------+----------+

or raw SQL:


    SELECT MONTH(timestamp) AS month, SUM(value) AS values_sum
    FROM df
    GROUP BY MONTH(timestamp)""")

Just remember that aggregation is performed by Spark not pushed-down to the external source. Usually it is a desired behavior but there are situations when you may prefer to perform aggregation as a subquery to limit data transfer.

Also, you can use date_format to create any time period you wish. Groupby specific day:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F'timestamp','yyyy-MM-dd').alias('day')).groupby('day').count().show()

Groupby specific month (just change the format):'timestamp','yyyy-MM').alias('month')).groupby('month').count().show()