Guzzle returns cURL error 3: <url> malformed

If you want to disable verification (don't do this!):

$response = $client->get('', ['verify' => false]);

Rather than disabling verification entirely, this can likely be fixed by providing proper CA bundle file. See verify in Guzzle documentation.

    'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\curl-ca-bundle.crt'

In case you came here because you googled "Guzzle returns cURL error 3: malformed" check the client parameter. In some version it's base_uri and other base_url

    $client = new Client([
        'base_uri' => 'http://localhost:8000',  // <-- base_uri instead of base_url

You should not have this call:

$client->get('/', ['verify' => true]);

That is what is throwing the error. The third line is okay.

The error is means what it says. The URL / is obviously not valid. When you instantiate the client, use the base_uri option, or specify a full URL in the call to get().