Handle optional parameters in QueryDSL

BooleanBuilder is good. You can also wrap it and add "optional" methods in order to avoid the if conditions:

For example, for "and" you can write: (Java 8 lambdas are used)

public class WhereClauseBuilder implements Predicate, Cloneable
    private BooleanBuilder delegate;

    public WhereClauseBuilder()
        this.delegate = new BooleanBuilder();

    public WhereClauseBuilder(Predicate pPredicate)
        this.delegate = new BooleanBuilder(pPredicate);

    public WhereClauseBuilder and(Predicate right)
        return new WhereClauseBuilder(delegate.and(right));

    public <V> WhereClauseBuilder optionalAnd(@Nullable V pValue, LazyBooleanExpression pBooleanExpression)
        return applyIfNotNull(pValue, this::and, pBooleanExpression);

    private <V> WhereClauseBuilder applyIfNotNull(@Nullable V pValue, Function<Predicate, WhereClauseBuilder> pFunction, LazyBooleanExpression pBooleanExpression)
        if (pValue != null)
            return new WhereClauseBuilder(pFunction.apply(pBooleanExpression.get()));

        return this;

    public interface LazyBooleanExpression
        BooleanExpression get();

And then the usage would be much cleaner:

public EmployeeEntity getEmployees(String firstName, String lastName) {
    QEmployeeEntity employee = QEmployeeEntity.employeeEntity;

    return empployeeDAO.findAll
       new WhereClauseBuilder()
           .optionalAnd(firstName, () -> employee.firstName.eq(firstName))
           .optionalAnd(lastName, () -> employee.lastName.eq(lastName))

It is possible also to use jdk's Optional class

BooleanBuilder can be used as a dynamic builder for boolean expressions:

public EmployeeEntity getEmployees(String firstName, String lastName) {
    QEmployeeEntity employee = QEmployeeEntity.employeeEntity;
    BooleanBuilder where = new BooleanBuilder();
    if (firstName != null) {
    if (lastName != null) {
    return empployeeDAO.findAll(where);