Has my ISP mangled my DNS reverse lookup record for a single static IP address?

Solution 1:

Look at the answer section a little more closely:

444.333.222.111.in-addr.arpa. 86365 IN   PTR     main.funkeedomain.org.333.222.111.in-addr.arpa.

Specifically, the value of the PTR record:


Your ISP forgot to add the trailing dot to your FQDN. This is causing the DNS software to helpfully append the name of the zone file to the end of the data.

Tell them to look at your reverse DNS record again, mention the trailing dot, and if they have any sense to them they'll know exactly what they did wrong.

Solution 2:

444.333.222.111.in-addr.arpa. 86365 IN PTR main.funkeedomain.org.333.222.111.in-addr.arpa.

Seems that in the reverse DNS zone data somebody forgot to add a trailing period . to your hostname to indicate that it is a fully qualified hostname. In DNS shorthand any simple hostname gets appended with $ORIGIN.

The correct zone data would be

444.333.222.111.in-addr.arpa. 86365 IN   PTR     main.funkeedomain.org.

or in DNS short-hand you can optionally omit the $ORIGIN i.e. 333.222.111.in-addr.arpa:

444                           86365 IN   PTR     main.funkeedomain.org.